Target CX

Target CX

Target CX

UX Research

Academic Project

This project focused on redefining Target's in-store experience to elevate it to a premium level, thereby outshining competitors in the retail space. It involved conducting detailed UX research to understand customer preferences, strategizing improvements, and crafting a compelling pitch based on a Request for Proposal from Target, highlighting the team's expertise and proposed innovations.


  1. Enhance In-Store Experience: To significantly improve Target's overall in-store customer experience, making it more engaging, convenient, and enjoyable.

  2. Competitive Differentiation: To establish Target as a leader in premium retail experiences, distinguishing it from competitors in the retail market.


  1. Understand Customer Needs and Preferences: To conduct thorough research to understand what customers value in their in-store shopping experiences.

  2. Identify Areas for Improvement: To pinpoint specific aspects of the current in-store experience that can be enhanced or redesigned.

  3. Create a Compelling Pitch Deck: To develop a persuasive pitch deck showcasing the team's strengths, capabilities, and proposed strategies to meet Target's objectives.


How might we innovatively transform Target's in-store customer experience to offer a premium shopping environment, setting it apart from competitors in the retail sector?

Role and Responsibilities:


As a UX Researcher and Strategist in this project, my role encompasses conducting extensive user experience research, both qualitative and quantitative, to understand customer behaviors and preferences in the retail environment.

Click here for detailed Pitch Deck

UX Research

Academic Project

This project focused on redefining Target's in-store experience to elevate it to a premium level, thereby outshining competitors in the retail space. It involved conducting detailed UX research to understand customer preferences, strategizing improvements, and crafting a compelling pitch based on a Request for Proposal from Target, highlighting the team's expertise and proposed innovations.


  1. Enhance In-Store Experience: To significantly improve Target's overall in-store customer experience, making it more engaging, convenient, and enjoyable.

  2. Competitive Differentiation: To establish Target as a leader in premium retail experiences, distinguishing it from competitors in the retail market.


  1. Understand Customer Needs and Preferences: To conduct thorough research to understand what customers value in their in-store shopping experiences.

  2. Identify Areas for Improvement: To pinpoint specific aspects of the current in-store experience that can be enhanced or redesigned.

  3. Create a Compelling Pitch Deck: To develop a persuasive pitch deck showcasing the team's strengths, capabilities, and proposed strategies to meet Target's objectives.


How might we innovatively transform Target's in-store customer experience to offer a premium shopping environment, setting it apart from competitors in the retail sector?

Role and Responsibilities:


As a UX Researcher and Strategist in this project, my role encompasses conducting extensive user experience research, both qualitative and quantitative, to understand customer behaviors and preferences in the retail environment.

Click here for detailed Pitch Deck

UX Research

Academic Project

This project focused on redefining Target's in-store experience to elevate it to a premium level, thereby outshining competitors in the retail space. It involved conducting detailed UX research to understand customer preferences, strategizing improvements, and crafting a compelling pitch based on a Request for Proposal from Target, highlighting the team's expertise and proposed innovations.


  1. Enhance In-Store Experience: To significantly improve Target's overall in-store customer experience, making it more engaging, convenient, and enjoyable.

  2. Competitive Differentiation: To establish Target as a leader in premium retail experiences, distinguishing it from competitors in the retail market.


  1. Understand Customer Needs and Preferences: To conduct thorough research to understand what customers value in their in-store shopping experiences.

  2. Identify Areas for Improvement: To pinpoint specific aspects of the current in-store experience that can be enhanced or redesigned.

  3. Create a Compelling Pitch Deck: To develop a persuasive pitch deck showcasing the team's strengths, capabilities, and proposed strategies to meet Target's objectives.


How might we innovatively transform Target's in-store customer experience to offer a premium shopping environment, setting it apart from competitors in the retail sector?

Role and Responsibilities:


As a UX Researcher and Strategist in this project, my role encompasses conducting extensive user experience research, both qualitative and quantitative, to understand customer behaviors and preferences in the retail environment.

Click here for detailed Pitch Deck

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