Women Initiating New Directions

Women Initiating New Directions

Women Initiating New Directions

Research and Communication Design

Academic + Professional Project

The WIND project aims to enhance educational programming for female detainees and individuals in reentry programs, adapting to the shift to remote learning necessitated by COVID-19. It focuses on improving workshop materials for both Zoom and Correspondence teaching at the Cook County Department of Corrections and Grace House Residential Program, addressing the unique challenges and learning needs in these settings.


  1. Enhance Educational Materials: To upgrade workshop materials for effective learning in both Zoom and correspondence formats, catering specifically to the needs of female students at CCDOC and Grace House.

  2. Adapt to Remote Learning Challenges: To adapt the instructional content and delivery methods to the constraints and opportunities presented by remote learning environments.


  1. Understand Student Needs: Conduct research to deeply understand the unique needs, preferences, and challenges faced by female students in remote learning settings, particularly in correctional and residential reentry programs.

  2. Evaluate Teaching Modalities: Assess the effectiveness of different teaching modalities (Zoom and correspondence) under the constraints imposed by COVID-19, focusing on engagement, comprehension, and accessibility.

  3. Develop Tailored Materials: Create and refine workshop materials that are specifically designed for remote learning, ensuring they are engaging, accessible, and supportive of the students' learning objectives.

  4. Instructor Training and Support: Provide training and resources to instructors to enhance their ability to effectively teach using Zoom and correspondence methods.

  5. Feedback and Iteration: Implement a feedback loop with students and instructors to continuously improve the materials and teaching methods based on real-world usage and experience.


How might we optimize our workshop materials and teaching methods for female detainees and reentry individuals, adapting to the unique challenges and opportunities of remote learning modalities like Zoom and correspondence, in the context of COVID-19 restrictions?

Role and Responsibilities:


As a Design Researcher and Communication Designer in the WIND project, my role involved conducting in-depth research to understand the unique educational needs of female detainees and reentry individuals, and creatively designing communication materials optimized for remote learning via Zoom and correspondence, ensuring they are engaging, accessible, and effective.

  • Lead interviews with instructors and facilitators

  • Build and facilitate co-creation sessions for ideation and prioritization

  • Develop visually intuitive course structures and materials

  • Conduct usability testing of prototypes in-context

  • Create narrative and final deliverables in the form of a report


Program Module and Structure + Class Journey

Developed four different modules focusing on the different aspects of life. Each module runs for four weeks with a class scheduled for every week.

Each class has three phases: pre-class, during class and post class. It is a circular process as feedback from one class is used to design materials for the next class.

Uncovered journeys for Zoom and Correspondence classes, looking at various phases and stakeholder involvements.

Guiding Principles

Developed and formulated Principles to Guide Designing of Components for designing of prototypes

These principles would help us to design components for various phases of the journey. They’ll also be the base for development of any future components.

Through co-designing with instructors and facilitators, ideated various components for different phases of the program. These components became the foundation of concepts for prototyping.

Final Concepts and Low-Cost Prototypes

Using concepts from the ideation workshop, components were designed, keeping in mind the guiding principles. The components were then combined into design concepts which were developed into prototypes for testing with the stakeholders.


Qualitative Research

  • Understand Learning Contexts: To gain a comprehensive understanding of the remote learning environments at the Cook County Department of Corrections and Grace House Residential Program, especially under the constraints imposed by COVID-19.

  • Identify Educational Needs: To identify the specific educational needs, preferences, and challenges faced by female detainees and individuals in reentry programs when engaging with workshop materials via Zoom and correspondence.

  • Evaluate Instructional Strategies: To assess the effectiveness of current instructional strategies and materials used by facilitators and instructors, and to explore potential improvements.

  • Gather User Feedback: To collect in-depth feedback from both instructors and students on prototype workshop materials, ensuring they are tailored to meet the unique needs of the learners.

  1. Secondary Research

Review of existing literature and studies on remote learning in correctional and reentry settings, focusing on challenges and best practices.

Outcome: Gained insights into effective remote teaching strategies and identified gaps in current workshop materials for the target audience.

  1. Facilitator and Instructor Interviews

Conducted interviews with facilitators and instructors to understand their experiences, challenges, and insights on teaching remotely.

Outcome: Obtained firsthand perspectives on effective instructional techniques and the specific needs of female students in these programs.

  1. Co-design Ideation with Instructors

Collaborative sessions with instructors to generate ideas and strategies for improving workshop materials.

Outcome: Developed innovative and practical solutions for remote learning materials, tailored to the unique context of the target audience.

  1. Usability Testing of Prototypes

Testing of prototype workshop materials with a small group to assess usability, engagement, and effectiveness in a remote learning environment.

Outcome: Identified strengths and areas for improvement in the materials, leading to refined designs that better cater to the learning needs and preferences of the students.

Learnings and Challenges

  • Pivoting the narrative through research

The research prompted us to adopt a broader view. Instead of just revamping educational materials, we aimed to "Redefine Stakeholder Experiences for COVID via Zoom and Correspondence Education," considering the pandemic's impact on education and leveraging technologies like Zoom to enhance student and stakeholder experiences.

  • Restrictions for not interviewing direct stakeholders

Due to the students being in correctional facilities, we couldn't directly communicate or interview them without the necessary clearances. We relied on other indirect stakeholders to provide insights into the students' experiences from their perspectives.


Funding Grant for WIND + Increased Program Engagement

Based on the work, WIND submitted an application for a funding grant from Northwestern. They were granted a funding soon thereafter.

The work also led to increased participation from the women students because of more engaging course work and material.

Click here for detailed Final Report

Research and Communication Design

Academic + Professional Project

The WIND project aims to enhance educational programming for female detainees and individuals in reentry programs, adapting to the shift to remote learning necessitated by COVID-19. It focuses on improving workshop materials for both Zoom and Correspondence teaching at the Cook County Department of Corrections and Grace House Residential Program, addressing the unique challenges and learning needs in these settings.


  1. Enhance Educational Materials: To upgrade workshop materials for effective learning in both Zoom and correspondence formats, catering specifically to the needs of female students at CCDOC and Grace House.

  2. Adapt to Remote Learning Challenges: To adapt the instructional content and delivery methods to the constraints and opportunities presented by remote learning environments.


  1. Understand Student Needs: Conduct research to deeply understand the unique needs, preferences, and challenges faced by female students in remote learning settings, particularly in correctional and residential reentry programs.

  2. Evaluate Teaching Modalities: Assess the effectiveness of different teaching modalities (Zoom and correspondence) under the constraints imposed by COVID-19, focusing on engagement, comprehension, and accessibility.

  3. Develop Tailored Materials: Create and refine workshop materials that are specifically designed for remote learning, ensuring they are engaging, accessible, and supportive of the students' learning objectives.

  4. Instructor Training and Support: Provide training and resources to instructors to enhance their ability to effectively teach using Zoom and correspondence methods.

  5. Feedback and Iteration: Implement a feedback loop with students and instructors to continuously improve the materials and teaching methods based on real-world usage and experience.


How might we optimize our workshop materials and teaching methods for female detainees and reentry individuals, adapting to the unique challenges and opportunities of remote learning modalities like Zoom and correspondence, in the context of COVID-19 restrictions?

Role and Responsibilities:


As a Design Researcher and Communication Designer in the WIND project, my role involved conducting in-depth research to understand the unique educational needs of female detainees and reentry individuals, and creatively designing communication materials optimized for remote learning via Zoom and correspondence, ensuring they are engaging, accessible, and effective.

  • Lead interviews with instructors and facilitators

  • Build and facilitate co-creation sessions for ideation and prioritization

  • Develop visually intuitive course structures and materials

  • Conduct usability testing of prototypes in-context

  • Create narrative and final deliverables in the form of a report


Program Module and Structure + Class Journey

Developed four different modules focusing on the different aspects of life. Each module runs for four weeks with a class scheduled for every week.

Each class has three phases: pre-class, during class and post class. It is a circular process as feedback from one class is used to design materials for the next class.

Uncovered journeys for Zoom and Correspondence classes, looking at various phases and stakeholder involvements.

Guiding Principles

Developed and formulated Principles to Guide Designing of Components for designing of prototypes

These principles would help us to design components for various phases of the journey. They’ll also be the base for development of any future components.

Through co-designing with instructors and facilitators, ideated various components for different phases of the program. These components became the foundation of concepts for prototyping.

Final Concepts and Low-Cost Prototypes

Using concepts from the ideation workshop, components were designed, keeping in mind the guiding principles. The components were then combined into design concepts which were developed into prototypes for testing with the stakeholders.


Qualitative Research

  • Understand Learning Contexts: To gain a comprehensive understanding of the remote learning environments at the Cook County Department of Corrections and Grace House Residential Program, especially under the constraints imposed by COVID-19.

  • Identify Educational Needs: To identify the specific educational needs, preferences, and challenges faced by female detainees and individuals in reentry programs when engaging with workshop materials via Zoom and correspondence.

  • Evaluate Instructional Strategies: To assess the effectiveness of current instructional strategies and materials used by facilitators and instructors, and to explore potential improvements.

  • Gather User Feedback: To collect in-depth feedback from both instructors and students on prototype workshop materials, ensuring they are tailored to meet the unique needs of the learners.

  1. Secondary Research

Review of existing literature and studies on remote learning in correctional and reentry settings, focusing on challenges and best practices.

Outcome: Gained insights into effective remote teaching strategies and identified gaps in current workshop materials for the target audience.

  1. Facilitator and Instructor Interviews

Conducted interviews with facilitators and instructors to understand their experiences, challenges, and insights on teaching remotely.

Outcome: Obtained firsthand perspectives on effective instructional techniques and the specific needs of female students in these programs.

  1. Co-design Ideation with Instructors

Collaborative sessions with instructors to generate ideas and strategies for improving workshop materials.

Outcome: Developed innovative and practical solutions for remote learning materials, tailored to the unique context of the target audience.

  1. Usability Testing of Prototypes

Testing of prototype workshop materials with a small group to assess usability, engagement, and effectiveness in a remote learning environment.

Outcome: Identified strengths and areas for improvement in the materials, leading to refined designs that better cater to the learning needs and preferences of the students.

Learnings and Challenges

  • Pivoting the narrative through research

The research prompted us to adopt a broader view. Instead of just revamping educational materials, we aimed to "Redefine Stakeholder Experiences for COVID via Zoom and Correspondence Education," considering the pandemic's impact on education and leveraging technologies like Zoom to enhance student and stakeholder experiences.

  • Restrictions for not interviewing direct stakeholders

Due to the students being in correctional facilities, we couldn't directly communicate or interview them without the necessary clearances. We relied on other indirect stakeholders to provide insights into the students' experiences from their perspectives.


Funding Grant for WIND + Increased Program Engagement

Based on the work, WIND submitted an application for a funding grant from Northwestern. They were granted a funding soon thereafter.

The work also led to increased participation from the women students because of more engaging course work and material.

Click here for detailed Final Report

Research and Communication Design

Academic + Professional Project

The WIND project aims to enhance educational programming for female detainees and individuals in reentry programs, adapting to the shift to remote learning necessitated by COVID-19. It focuses on improving workshop materials for both Zoom and Correspondence teaching at the Cook County Department of Corrections and Grace House Residential Program, addressing the unique challenges and learning needs in these settings.


  1. Enhance Educational Materials: To upgrade workshop materials for effective learning in both Zoom and correspondence formats, catering specifically to the needs of female students at CCDOC and Grace House.

  2. Adapt to Remote Learning Challenges: To adapt the instructional content and delivery methods to the constraints and opportunities presented by remote learning environments.


  1. Understand Student Needs: Conduct research to deeply understand the unique needs, preferences, and challenges faced by female students in remote learning settings, particularly in correctional and residential reentry programs.

  2. Evaluate Teaching Modalities: Assess the effectiveness of different teaching modalities (Zoom and correspondence) under the constraints imposed by COVID-19, focusing on engagement, comprehension, and accessibility.

  3. Develop Tailored Materials: Create and refine workshop materials that are specifically designed for remote learning, ensuring they are engaging, accessible, and supportive of the students' learning objectives.

  4. Instructor Training and Support: Provide training and resources to instructors to enhance their ability to effectively teach using Zoom and correspondence methods.

  5. Feedback and Iteration: Implement a feedback loop with students and instructors to continuously improve the materials and teaching methods based on real-world usage and experience.


How might we optimize our workshop materials and teaching methods for female detainees and reentry individuals, adapting to the unique challenges and opportunities of remote learning modalities like Zoom and correspondence, in the context of COVID-19 restrictions?

Role and Responsibilities:


As a Design Researcher and Communication Designer in the WIND project, my role involved conducting in-depth research to understand the unique educational needs of female detainees and reentry individuals, and creatively designing communication materials optimized for remote learning via Zoom and correspondence, ensuring they are engaging, accessible, and effective.

  • Lead interviews with instructors and facilitators

  • Build and facilitate co-creation sessions for ideation and prioritization

  • Develop visually intuitive course structures and materials

  • Conduct usability testing of prototypes in-context

  • Create narrative and final deliverables in the form of a report


Program Module and Structure + Class Journey

Developed four different modules focusing on the different aspects of life. Each module runs for four weeks with a class scheduled for every week.

Each class has three phases: pre-class, during class and post class. It is a circular process as feedback from one class is used to design materials for the next class.

Uncovered journeys for Zoom and Correspondence classes, looking at various phases and stakeholder involvements.

Guiding Principles

Developed and formulated Principles to Guide Designing of Components for designing of prototypes

These principles would help us to design components for various phases of the journey. They’ll also be the base for development of any future components.

Through co-designing with instructors and facilitators, ideated various components for different phases of the program. These components became the foundation of concepts for prototyping.

Final Concepts and Low-Cost Prototypes

Using concepts from the ideation workshop, components were designed, keeping in mind the guiding principles. The components were then combined into design concepts which were developed into prototypes for testing with the stakeholders.


Qualitative Research

  • Understand Learning Contexts: To gain a comprehensive understanding of the remote learning environments at the Cook County Department of Corrections and Grace House Residential Program, especially under the constraints imposed by COVID-19.

  • Identify Educational Needs: To identify the specific educational needs, preferences, and challenges faced by female detainees and individuals in reentry programs when engaging with workshop materials via Zoom and correspondence.

  • Evaluate Instructional Strategies: To assess the effectiveness of current instructional strategies and materials used by facilitators and instructors, and to explore potential improvements.

  • Gather User Feedback: To collect in-depth feedback from both instructors and students on prototype workshop materials, ensuring they are tailored to meet the unique needs of the learners.

  1. Secondary Research

Review of existing literature and studies on remote learning in correctional and reentry settings, focusing on challenges and best practices.

Outcome: Gained insights into effective remote teaching strategies and identified gaps in current workshop materials for the target audience.

  1. Facilitator and Instructor Interviews

Conducted interviews with facilitators and instructors to understand their experiences, challenges, and insights on teaching remotely.

Outcome: Obtained firsthand perspectives on effective instructional techniques and the specific needs of female students in these programs.

  1. Co-design Ideation with Instructors

Collaborative sessions with instructors to generate ideas and strategies for improving workshop materials.

Outcome: Developed innovative and practical solutions for remote learning materials, tailored to the unique context of the target audience.

  1. Usability Testing of Prototypes

Testing of prototype workshop materials with a small group to assess usability, engagement, and effectiveness in a remote learning environment.

Outcome: Identified strengths and areas for improvement in the materials, leading to refined designs that better cater to the learning needs and preferences of the students.

Learnings and Challenges

  • Pivoting the narrative through research

The research prompted us to adopt a broader view. Instead of just revamping educational materials, we aimed to "Redefine Stakeholder Experiences for COVID via Zoom and Correspondence Education," considering the pandemic's impact on education and leveraging technologies like Zoom to enhance student and stakeholder experiences.

  • Restrictions for not interviewing direct stakeholders

Due to the students being in correctional facilities, we couldn't directly communicate or interview them without the necessary clearances. We relied on other indirect stakeholders to provide insights into the students' experiences from their perspectives.


Funding Grant for WIND + Increased Program Engagement

Based on the work, WIND submitted an application for a funding grant from Northwestern. They were granted a funding soon thereafter.

The work also led to increased participation from the women students because of more engaging course work and material.

Click here for detailed Final Report

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